Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A walk of art!

The fashion show today was AMAZING!!! Oh, my gosh! They did such a great job on it! The clothes were gorgeous and the designs were so fun! They must be so relieved that they don't have to worry about it anymore! LOL! Okay, so tomorrow I'm leaving for Kairos after school. I am beyond nervous! I just hope I get a likable roommate. I'm finished packing and I really hope I didn't forget anything. This will be my last post until probably Sunday night after I get back. Boo! I will have no way to contact anyone because I'm not allowed to use my cell phone! I can't even twitter, which is gonna drive me INSANE because I won't know what my boys are up to and if they're doing alright! I'm so nervous! Okay, enjoy the lovely weekend and I will tell everyone all about Kairos when I get back. A bientot!

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